Friday, June 3, 2011

Straight Line Motion

  • Two trains A & B of length 300m each are moving on two parallel tracks with a uniform speed of 54 km/hr in the same direction, with A ahead of B. The driver of A decides to overtake A and accelerates by 2 m/s/s. If after 25 seconds , the guard of B just brushes past the driver of A, what was the original distance between them?                                                                             [25 m ]
  • A car accelerates from rest at a constant rate A for some time after which it retards at constant rate B to come to rest.If the time elapsed is T seconds, calculate the maximum velocity reached and the total distance travelled in terms of A,B & T.
  • Drops of water from the roof of a house 6 m high falls at a regular intervals . The first drop reaches the ground at an instant of time when third drop leaves the roof. Find the height of the second drop at that instant.                                                                                                             [ 4.5 m, from the ground ] 
  • A metal ball is allowed to fall freely on a perfectly elastic plane from a height of 3m. At  t  = 0 , the speed of the ball is zero. Represent graphically the variation of velocity with time.
  • A ball is thrown vertically upward . After some time it returns back to earth . Draw speed time graph for the ball.
  • A ball is thrown vertically upward with a velocity of 20 m/s. It takes 4 s to return to its original position.Draw velocity time graph for the ball.
  • Can an object be accelerated without speeding up or slowing down? Explain.

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